Solar Energy
Mersen covers the entire solar cell manufacturing process and the electrical protection of solar panels.

Polysilicon production
Polysilicon is a key component in the production of photovoltaic panels for the solar industry.
Production of Polycrystalline silicon (PCS)
Mersen supplies expendables and equipment dedicated to the polysilicon manufacturing industries
- Ultrapure graphite electrodes
- Specialty graphite parts for Siemens, FBR and UMG processes
Production of silane or trichlorosilane (TCS)
Mersen provides
- Hydrochloric acid strippers
- HCl synthesis units
Silicon crystal pulling
Mersen produces all of the graphite components for silicon crystal growth needed to guarantee the purity of wafers and control of hot zones during crystallization.
- Purified graphite crucible
- Purified graphite heater
- Carbon insulation
- Graphite or C/C composite heat shield
- Soft felt and rigid carbon insulation for controlling the thermal gradients of crystalline growth
- Carbon/Carbon composite threaded fasteners
Overcurrent and surge protection
The HelioProtection® program provides dedicated solutions for safe and reliable PVinstallations that meet the solar energy industry’s stringent performance requirements.
HelioProtection fuses and fuse-holders
- gPV fuses, designed for off-grid or on-grid solar systems, to protect photovoltaic arrays from unexpected ground and line faults.
HelioProtection Disconnect switches
- DC disconnect switches are especially designed for PV applications. The switch technology provides quick, safe, and reliable DC breaking power.
HelioProtection Surge-Traps
- Surge protection devices to mate with AC disconnect switches in photovoltaic systems that provide power to the grid or microgrid.
Power management solutions
Power management solutions for photovoltaic inverters or converters, used to convert and manage high power DC or AC signals
Electrical protection
- Overcurrent protection solutions to protect power modules and semiconductor devices
Thermal management
- Heat sink and cooling equipment to carefully handle power losses during semiconductors conversion
Laminated Busbar
- Conductor solutions for a quality power distribution (laminated bus bar)
Process of polycrystalline silicon (PCS)
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Process of polycrystalline silicon (PCS)